The Goldster Magazine Show with Rosie

with Rose Cecil

09 April 2024

The last time I communicated with Rose Cecil, she was in a small, dank ditch in the Ukraine, along with 4 Ukrainian soldiers and a dog. All seeking shelter from an ongoing to missile attack.  


An unlikely place to find the host of a fashionable Mayfair restaurant, but then Rose is an unlikely heroine. Tall, cropped hair that changes from shades of lilac to pink to silver, and uniquely individual style of dressing that dumbfounds any fashion, she has a commanding presence, and despite an engaging sense of the ridiculous, a razor sharp mind. 

Over the last year or so, Rose has been applying her formidable drive to addressing the plight of the Ukraine. The Russians might have more on their hands to contend with they might judge. Rose, a direct descendant of the great Elizabethian Cecil dynasty, is a woman of resolve  - and action. Working with a loyal committee she has brought together, Rose has been doing sterling work for MISSION UKRAINE UK, converting boats and acquiring 2nd hand  4x4s, then with her mechanical prowess, converting them into ambulances kitted out with medical supplies and emergency provisions before driving them out herself to the Ukrainian military. Join us for a live interview with Rose from the Ukraine, quite possibly from a ditch,  to hear from the heart of the action, the grim truth of the situation and the remarkable resilience and courage of the Ukrainians. Join us on Tuesday 9th April at 1300 hrs.